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Rutilated Quartz Mala

Rutilated Quartz Mala

Regular price $95.00 CAD
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Mala of 108 beads in natural stone of clear quartz, rutilated quartz and seraphinite of 6 mm. The spacer beads, the logo and the carabiner which are an integral part of this mala are in gold-colored stainless steel. A 9 cm nylon tassel accompanies this mala with a total length of 61 cm.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier, multidimensional cellular healing of memory, stimulates energetic opening at the head level, facilitates communication with other dimensions, most versatile stone in the mineral kingdom, purification stone…

Rutilated Quartz

Stone that purifies the etheric and mental layer of the aura, improves concentration, promotes clarity of ideas, increases creativity, stone of connection to the soul allowing to transmit its spiritual knowledge. Stimulates the circulation of energy, purifies the aura, absorbs negative energies, stabilizes emotions, alleviates depressions…


Seraphinite is a high vibration stone, excellent for out of body travel, allows self-healing, angelic connection. Energy amplifier, connection amplifier during meditation, connects more easily with feminine energies and feminine polarity, facilitates the expansion of consciousness and alignment…

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