Article sur les vertus des pierres

Virtues of stones

Josée Boily

In this article, I share with you some properties for each of the stones that I use in my creations. Please note that the properties, benefits and virtues of these stones listed are information from different lithotherapy books and cannot in any way constitute a medical diagnosis or engage our responsibility.



Harmonizes the physical body with the subtle bodies. Protecting the aura, its bands lead to travel in multidimensional realities. Can be programmed to defend the individual and his family arousing a protective, objective, invigorating love. Agate is said to give strength and courage, dispel negativity contained in a room or in the aura of an individual, decrease confusion…



Promotes growth and development, calming and soothing, relieves negative thoughts, brings peace and serenity. Relieves stress and anxiety, encourages introspection…



Stone of protection, calms thoughts, stimulates inspiration and intuition, soothes passions, violent emotions and anger, strengthens the vibration of the spiritual layers of your aura, promoting love of the divine, encourages altruism and spiritual wisdom. Activates multidimensional awareness, intensifies metaphysical faculties and is suitable for meditation, helps people about to transition through death and supports the acceptance of loss…



Strengthens your inner framework, helps calm anxiety and register positive periods in your life. Helps to guide slowly but surely towards spiritual transformation, calms the nerves, anchoring stone…



Calcite helps purify negative energies, stabilizes emotional reactions, calms fears and reduces stress, encourages action, stimulates the ability to go beyond oneself. Stone of protection during astral travel, stimulates intuitive skills and your telepathic abilities, refocuses your mind on positive ideas and thoughts, plays a filter role that purifies the surrounding negative energies. Powerful healing stone, absorbs energy, filters it and returns it so that it benefits the person who launched it, promotes clear communication of thoughts and feelings and facilitates adaptation to necessary change…



Facilitates vibrational change and connects to higher realities, at the same time offers deep healing, physical and emotional, as well as healing of cellular memory. Stone of transformation, facilitates rapid decision-making…



Raises energy levels, eliminates jealousy, fights impotence, stone of courage, absorbs energies instead of amplifying them, raises your vibrational rate, materializes your dreams by taking the necessary measures...



Hessonite Garnet is the lightest of all garnets. In addition to conveying the generic properties of garnet, it confers self-respect, removes feelings of guilt and inferiority, encourages service to others, awakens intuition and psychic abilities, gives rise to self-confidence, encourages service to others …



In addition to conveying the generic properties of garnet, the red variety represents love. Stone of power, arouses self-confidence, activates the energy of the heart, rekindles feelings, instills energy, controls anger, especially that directed towards oneself, gives courage and perseverance to overcome difficult times…



Hematite is a stone rich in iron and very useful in the case of anemia, balances the root chakra, promotes anchoring, protects from the negative, harmonizes the polarities in the energies, strengthens your etheric body and your magnetism…



Calms emotions, excellent stone for relieving stress or anxiety, helps with meditation, develops patience, calms insomnia caused by an overly agitated mind, teaches patience, eliminates rage and anger...



Facilitates decision-making. It is a stone that stimulates intuition, strengthens memory and is also an anchoring stone, helps to recharge the body with energy, purifies the aura, gives courage and determination, protects against electromagnetic and environmental pollution…



This stone facilitates shamanic journeys, absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric world. Protective and strengthening. Balances inner and outer experiences. Brings calm and serenity to face life's trials and unforeseen situations...



Excellent stone for any multidimensional work, stone of an extremely high vibration, benefits those who have difficulty meditating, dispels negativity, surrounds the aura with a protective envelope. Kunzite represents the stone of forgiveness par excellence. It reassures and allows to put a balm on the wounds of the past, creates a protective shield against unwanted energies…



Protects from negative influences, elevates consciousness, gives strength, courage and perseverance during change, therapist's stone of protection for the emotional body of your aura, helps develop your intuitive abilities, stone for those who need to develop their anchorage, stone of transformation, useful companion during change, conferring strength and perseverance...



Promotes work with dreams and metaphysical faculties, facilitates soul travel, stimulates personal power and soul strength. Accentuates the power of speech, reverses curses and discomfort caused by lack of oral expression. Harmonizes body, emotions, mind and spirit, arousing great self-knowledge and multidimensional cellular healing…



Extracts negative energy from the solar plexus and returns it to its source, encourages to act thoughtfully rather than emotionally. I release your emotional blockages and fluidify your energies, I am useful to you to keep vital energy and courage in all circumstances. Protective stone, balances the solar plexus chakra, stabilizes emotions, gives strength, will, courage and self-confidence ...



Protects during moonless nights and in dark places, effective during past life work aimed at healing old wounds and physical trauma affecting the present life. I am an excellent mineral for working on alignment, soothes the emotional body, especially with regard to anxiety, anger and to reason passion. Promotes grounding, arouses self-control, increases concentration and supports in case of memory loss…



Peridot, a protective stone, also called "olivine or chrysolite", is associated with the olive tree and olive oil known for their nourishing and purifying aspects. It helps to stimulate and cleanse the heart and solar plexus chakras, protects against external influences, strengthens the etheric body. Energizing, restorative and harmonizing stone, strengthens your openness and acceptance of what is. Particularly useful stone for healers, eliminates and neutralizes toxins, purifies the subtle, physical bodies as well as the mind...



It anchors the body and mind, allows us to leave thoughts and traumas behind, balances the mind, brings the strength to face everyday life, a grounding stone that brings emotional stability. It brings self-confidence, strength and courage, soothes and protects against negative energies and anxiety, brings serenity for a better sense of well-being. It is also an excellent stone for diffusing essential oils…



Promotes dreams, balances emotions, activates all aspects of psychic perception, stimulates intuition, brings gentleness and sensitivity, balances feminine and masculine polarities, amplifies the emotions of sensitive people during the full moon, stone of new beginnings...



Helps to dissipate stress, anxiety and fear, strengthens self-confidence, brings joy, cheerfulness and good humor, drives away anger and overcomes fits of rage. Promotes the alignment of your heart with the will of your soul, provides the energies necessary to be able to hear and listen to your inner voice. This alchemical stone connects to the regenerative power of the sun, links to the life plan of the present incarnation and helps to fulfill or renegotiate karmic contracts that are no longer appropriate…



Clear quartz is an energy amplifier, it stimulates the energetic opening at the level of the head, facilitates communication with other dimensions, acts on the multidimensional planes of being, it is an extremely powerful healer and energy amplifier, it purifies the energetic bodies, activates the circulation of energy within the etheric body and dissolves blockages there, strengthens the physical and subtle bodies…



Power charging stone that leads beyond time and space and communicates with the angelic worlds, activates intuition. Lepidocrocite inclusions in quartz bring together the physical, etheric and biomagnetic bodies. Energy charging, strengthening the healing energy of other stones, cellular regeneration, multidimensional cellular healing of memory…



Protects against negative energies, gives self-confidence, effectively dissolves blockages of the etheric body. Excellent stone for meditation, brings back to the essential, facilitates astral travel and inner journeys. It is one of the most effective stones for anchoring and purification. Perfect antidote to stress, it alleviates suicidal tendencies and ambivalence regarding incarnation…



Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and inner peace, calming and reassuring, helps to develop forgiveness and trust, relieves emotional wounds and heartache, it is the talisman of universal love towards others and towards oneself, promotes helpfulness and openness to others...



Stone that purifies the etheric and mental layer of the aura, improves concentration, promotes clarity of ideas, increases creativity, stone of connection to the soul allowing to transmit its spiritual knowledge. Stimulates the circulation of energy, purifies the aura, absorbs negative energies, stabilizes emotions, alleviates depressions…



Seraphinite is a high vibration stone, excellent for out of body travel, allows self-healing, angelic connection. Energy amplifier, connection amplifier during meditation, connects more easily with feminine energies and feminine polarity, facilitates the expansion of consciousness and alignment…



Holistic Lithotherapy Dictionary (Aurélia Mariani)

Lithotherapy Manual – The Kingdom of Stones and Crystals (The Group of 5)

Encyclopedia of Crystals (Judy Hall)

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