The 7 main chakras
JOSEE BOILYChakra is the Sanskrit name meaning spiral or wheel. Every human being is composed of seven main chakras and several secondary chakras. These chakras which are actually energy centers are placed at specific locations in the physical body along the spine and form spirals. This is called vital energy. Each chakra is associated with a color of the rainbow, a musical note, a sound, an endocrine gland and organs of the human body.

Number: First chakra
Sanskrit name: Muladhara chakra
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Symbol: Lotus with 4 petals
Music note: Do
Element: Earth
Associated sense: Smell
Endocrine gland: The adrenals
Mantra: LAM
The root chakra is the first of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color red. It is located at the base of the coccyx. The glands connected to this chakra are the adrenals which manage stress. This energy center is directed downwards. The function of the root chakra concerns your relationship to the earthly plane. It is connected to your material life, your incarnation, your basic needs as well as your survival as an incarnate person. These needs are money, work, home, food, hydration, exercise, rest…

Number: Second chakra
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Location : Below the lower abdomen, two centimeters below the navel
Color: Orange
Symbol: Lotus with 6 petals
Music note: D
Element: Water
Associated meaning: Taste
Endocrine gland: The gonads
Mantra: VAM
The sacral chakra is the second of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color orange. It is located about two centimeters below the navel between the genitals. The glands connected to this chakra are the gonads, or the ovaries and testicles. The function of the sacral chakra concerns sexuality and the creative power of the being. It is linked to creativity, passion, sexuality, fertility, interpersonal relationships...

Number: Third chakra
Sanskrit name: Manipura chakra
Location: Between the sternum and the navel
Color: Yellow
Symbol: 10-petal lotus
Music note: Mid
Element: Fire
Associated meaning: Vision
Endocrine gland: The pancreas
Mantra: RAM
The sacral chakra is the third of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color yellow. It is located at the plexus level about two centimeters above the navel. The gland connected to this chakra is the pancreas or the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder, the stomach, the intestines and the skin. The function of the solar plexus chakra concerns our emotions and our personality. It is linked to our self-confidence, our fears, our will, our courage, our personal power.

Number: Fourth chakra
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Symbol: 12-petaled lotus
Music note: Fa
Element: Air
Associated meaning: Touch
Endocrine gland: The thymus
Mantra: YAM
The heart chakra is the fourth of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color green. It is located at the physical heart, in the middle of the chest. The gland connected to this chakra is the thymus, which is the liver, spleen, gallbladder, stomach, intestines and skin. The function of the heart chakra is about love, compassion and healing through the heart. It is connected to unconditional love, harmony, healthy relationships...

Number: Fifth chakra
Sanskrit name: Vishuddha chakra
Location: At the throat
Color: Dark blue
Symbol: 16-petal lotus
Music note: Ground
Element: Ether
Associated meaning: Speech and hearing
Endocrine gland: The thyroid
Mantra: HAM
The throat chakra is the fifth of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color dark blue. It is located at the throat. The gland connected to this chakra is the thyroid. The function of the throat chakra is about verbal expression and communication. It is connected to several important aspects of our lives, including communication, self-expression, listening...

Number: Sixth chakra
Sanskrit name: Ajna chakra
Location: Above the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Symbol: 96-petal lotus
Music note: Element: Light
Associated meaning: Inner vision
Endocrine gland: The pituitary
Mantra: OM
The 3rd eye chakra is the sixth of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color indigo blue. It is located above the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. The gland connected to this chakra is the pituitary gland. The function of the 3rd eye chakra is related to intuition, creative thinking and the divine. It is related to extrasensory perceptions, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, inner guidance, clarity of thought, communication with the divine...

Number: Seventh chakra
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara chakra
Location: At the top of the head
Color: Gold or purple
Symbol: Lotus with 1000 petals
Music note: If
Element: Thought, consciousness
Associated meaning: Spiritual meaning
Endocrine gland: The pineal
Mantra: OM or AUM
The crown chakra is the seventh of the 7 main chakras and is represented by the color gold or purple. It is located on the top of the head. The gland connected to this chakra is the pineal gland. The function of the crown chakra is spiritual communication and channeling. It is related to sexual experience and connection with the divine. It represents our higher consciousness, wisdom and understanding of the universe.